Beautiful pics of Paris Hilton and Emily Osment feet & legs

Carter Milliken Reum - born on February 5, 1981 is an incredibly successful American venture capitalist and author. Carter Milliken Reum is best known for his marriage to Paris Hilton. M13 Ventures was founded by him as well. Carter Reum makes his money primarily from the income from M13 Ventures, his investment company for angels. M13 which has made investments and exits in Lyft, Matterport, Ring and Jessica Alba's The Honest Company.It's believed that Carter Reum is worth $300 million. He's made a good income from his numerous business endeavors. The social media mogul reality star and DJ 41 has welcomed her first child along with her husband venture capitalist Carter Reum 41 her representative has confirmed to USA today. Hilton posted a pic on Instagram of what appears to be a baby's fingers grasping her thumb. Emily Jordan Osment born 10 March 1992 in Los Angeles. Haley Joel Osment is Emily's younger sister. Eugene is an acclaimed actor. The next step in their path, Emily started her acting career by appearing in commercials, which included a radio spot with Dick Van Dyke, before having her first film role with "The The Secret Life of Girls." Being one of the daughters of Glenn Close and Christopher Walken Emily was offered a part on Hallmark's Sarah Plain and Tall Winter's End. In recognition of this role, that she won a nomination in Best Young Actor.

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